Thursday, February 24, 2011

Taylor Michael.... My Son, My Hero.

Today is not a happy day for me. It's a sad, scary, heart wrenching day. Today was our 9 year old, Taylor's, doctor appointment with his specialist. Specialist for what, you ask? Well, I wish I knew. This was a pediatric rheumatologist that we saw today, but we, and he, do not know what Taylor has. Here's the story.... (Some of you know the beginning, which will be a repeat for you, but it will lead up to today's visit.

Taylor had strep throat in July of 2010, which was treated with antibiotics. He did not get any better, so they put him on another round of antibiotics. The symptoms went away, and we assumed that he was better. A couple weeks after that, Taylor started having major hip pain - some days he couldn't walk at all, and had to be carried even to go to the bathroom. This went on for about a month, off and on, with others telling me I was overreacting, and it was only growing pains. Finally I took him to the doctor, and they had no idea what was going on. They did blood tests, and found that he had strep in his blood. That apparently the strep virus that "went away", went into his bloodstream. They also sent him for an MRI of his hip, in which resulted in a discovery that there was fluid around his hip joint, that "may or may not" be infected. They put him on antibiotics, yet again, for the strep in his bloodstream, and after another blood test, where his strep levels stayed the same, we were told, "He must be resistant to the antibiotics. There's nothing else we can do." Oh yes, the DOCTOR actually said that to me! My child that was missing school because he couldn't walk. And had strep in his bloodstream (which is very dangerous, by the way)! This was Dr. Pierre at Marion Pediatrics, Ocala, FL. I got rave reviews from MANY before taking him to her, and many love her. I can not stand this woman. That's really the nicest way I can put it! When I questioned her actions of "nothing else we can do", she completely washed her hands of Taylor's case.

I had gone long enough with the conservative approach, and was now taking the aggressive approach. I knew that strep accompanied with rheumatoid symptoms can be something very serious. There are many things it could be. Rheumatic Fever, being one of them, which we will get into in a minute. See, I KNOW, and I knew, when I asked horrible Dr. Pierre for help, that this was a possibility, as well as many other diseases, complications, and/or irreversible damage. So, I took my little boy, drove him to the best children's hospital that I could find, All Children's Hospital, in St. Pete, and hobbled him right into the emergency room there, and said, "I need HELP!" They took us right back, listened to my LONG story, evaluated him, and got Tay right in with their pediatric rheumatologist. He of course was very concerned. It wasn't the strep in the blood, it wasn't the rheumatoid symptoms - It was BOTH put together. He ordered another blood panel, a lime disease test, and put him on Naproxin. The blood panel showed the same strep level as before, a little raised, and negative for lime disease. He then found that Taylor had a heart murmur, which could be a "harmless murmur", or not. He sent us to have an eccocardiogram done. He told us to keep him on the Naproxin until the end of December, than take him off of it, and see how he does....

Now Taylor is a child of incredible faith. He told the doctor once, "It's Ok. I know God is going to heal me." Just as matter of fact as if he was saying "I know that the sky is blue!" :) When he had his MRI done, he came out, and the doctor asked him if he was ok. His answer, "It was great! I wasn't scared at all. Jesus was in there with me. He made me feel so happy and peaceful that I fell asleep!" And during one of his blood draws, the nurse asked if he was Ok.... Tay's response, "I'm fine. God takes my fear away. I think He also takes the pain away, because I don't feel anything except the rubber band on my arm. I'm fine, God's here." I'm telling you, this child has more faith than anyone that I know! He's an inspiration to me, and all that come in contact with him. He is also an incredible prayer warrior. If I, his brothers, or anyone has a need, he's the first to lay hands on them and pray. His Mimi was sick, and he called her into the bathroom and asked if he could pray over her and anoint her with oil. He explained how it says in the Bible that when you anoint with oil it "calls all the angels to come all around you and help and protect you". I say all of that to say that that Taylor and I both KNEW he would be healed. We didn't know what was wrong still, but we knew God would heal him.

Nearing the end of December, the 21st I believe, he woke up and told me he had been healed - he was no longer in pain! What a miracle for him to see, and to be able to tell others. His testimony, at age 9! :) He went two months with no pain! Life as normal! Finally!

A couple of weeks ago, his older brother came down with strep throat. It was treated, and he was fine in a couple of days. Taylor, on the other hand, did not come down with strep throat, nor did any of the other boys, but Taylor started complaining of pain in his legs, than his hip, thumbs, knees, ankles, and toes. I got a call from school a few days later, that he was in pain and couldn't walk. I had to carry him out of school. We had an appointment coming up with his specialist at All Children's in St. Pete, so I called and upped the appointment, and here we are at today's events....

Our first question, after telling them the recent events of Tay's pain was, "We never got a call regarding the eccocardiogram results. They came back normal I assume?" I was stupid, I guess. We never got a call, and when I questioned ex-hubby about it, he said that if there was a problem with a child's heart, than they would have called, and even if the doctor's office didn't call, the cardiologist surely would, and I agreed - that sounded logical. Stupid me. The doctor looked at the chart and said, "Uh.... We never received any results from his eccocardiogram......." Than they visibly freaked out a little and excused themselves from the room to get the cardiologist on the phone and get the results faxed over. The findings were "minor heart valve damage". (Which if anyone remembers is the EXACT thing I had been asking the horrible Dr. Pierre, here in Ocala, about - and was turned away.) Now 2 months have gone by, and who knows the extent of the damage now?!? How could a pediatric cardiologist not call us about these results? Or at least send them to the doctor? Anyway, most signs lead them to a diagnosis of rheumatic fever. (What I have questioned everyone about from the beginning! Mothers - NEVER ignore your motherly instincts, no matter how overprotective others say you are.)

Keep in mind that I AM NOT speaking rheumatic fever over my son! I have a Great Big God, who has Angels surrounding that child. But I will tell you the facts of rheumatic fever....

Rheumatic Fever is an inflammatory disease that can develop as a complication of strep throat. It is most common in 5 - 15 year old children. Although it is rare in the US, it does remain as a risk not to be taken lightly. It can cause permanent damage to the heart, including heart valves and heart failure. Treatment consists of many things, one of which is daily shots for seven years, in an attempt to reduce tissue damage, inflammation, lessen pain and other symptoms, and try to prevent the recurrence of rheumatic fever.

Since Rheumatic Fever is caused by strep, resistant to antibiotics, and the main symptoms are rheumatoid arthritis symptoms (pain in the joints), damage to the heart, swollen joints, a rash that doesn't itch (which is under his arms), swollen glands, and jerky leg movements (not being able to keep his legs still), which Taylor has all of, they are finally taking his case seriously. They have a rush on another eccocardiogram, this coming week. That will lead us toward a diagnosis. It seems they have narrowed it down to the worst, or nothing at all. Either they will diagnose him with rheumatic fever (which I, In The Name Of Jesus, declare he WILL NOT HAVE), or they will diagnose him with "post strep rheumatoid arthritis". Basically, if he is exposed to the strep infection, like his brother just got, he will show rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, than they will slowly just go away. That's what we left the office in St. Pete having learned today.

Please keep my precious Taylor in your prayers. Whatever the diagnosis, WE BELIEVE - WE KNOW - He will be HEALED! This will be a testimony for him to tell, to bring others to the Lord. I speak healing over my son, and I believe he will be just fine.

I wanted to update everyone on what was going on. In the natural, mommy is scared. But I know that what we see with our eyes, is not what God sees - It's not what He has planned. Taylor has a call on his life, and with a call, comes a fight. Taylor is in a fight. And he will come out unharmed, giving all the glory to God! Taylor is a threat to the enemy, even at age 9! The enemy wants to stop the amazing things God has in store for his future, all the people he will bring to God. Good luck with that. My boy, and his mommy, serve a Big Mighty God, who has our backs!

Love and thanks to all! And in the words of Taylor, "It's OK! God called angels all around me, to protect me. I have faith I'm healed - inside and out - from my head to my toes!"
