Thursday, March 10, 2011

You Can't Take Someone Where You've Never Been!

Let's talk about going through hell! Let's talk about all the horrible, scary, and hard things we go through. Let's talk about the things that should have killed us, but God pulled us through, by His grace. Whether these things were our fault, the fault of someone else, or just thrown on us out of nowhere - They affect our lives greatly!

First, we have to get through those times. But what I'm speaking of is AFTER we've made it through. We may have fear in many areas, guilt that the devil likes to torture us with, memories of the past that come rushing back. How do we turn these bad situations around, that should have killed us, or that should have destroyed us, and use them to better us, glorify God, and to make an impact on someone else's life?

The things we go through in life, our hardest times, are the most important times in our lives. Yes, I wish I hadn't gone through a divorce, I wish I hadn't have made horrible mistakes in my past. That's where it gets tricky, because of course, we wish we hadn't had to go through horrible things, but those horrible things are the exact things, that MAKE us.

The trials we walk through have a PURPOSE in our lives. There is a purpose in the pain we go through. Troubled times, all the terrible things we face, that pressure and pain... FORMS SOMETHING ON THE INSIDE OF US. It molds us. It teaches us faith and trust in God. It teaches us not to rely on people, money, health, etc. But to rely on God. All of those other things can fall away in a heartbeat, but God promises never leave us or forsake us. When everything around us is falling apart, When there is no one, when we're left alone, when we don't know how we're going to make it through, the only place for us to turn to is to God! When we're going through those times, and the only thing we have the strength to do is lay on the floor, and cry out to God.... That develops something in us! That time is the most precious time we'll spend with God. That's when all is quiet, we're on the verge of losing our mind, and yet we are the most open to God, and the things He wants to tell us and form in us. Nothing gets developed or formed in us, without trials! We learn to trust in God, because honestly, at that time - there is nothing else to trust in! We learn faith, because we see that as we begin to trust, God begins to work in our lives, and our faith in God is strengthened. We learn to praise through the pain. Because now that we have our trust and our faith strengthened, we can praise through the hard times, knowing that God has us covered. No matter what the enemy throws at us, we praise Him in advance, for what we KNOW He's going to do! That is why the hardest times are so important. Things in us are formed that otherwise wouldn't have been. God uses the things the enemy meant for bad, for His good, forming things in us, changing us, teaching and molding us, so He can take us to the place He has for our lives, so we can fulfill the purpose He has for our us.

See... NOW, at this point, the devil's made a BIG mistake.... We've come out of the worst times of our lives. We made it through, with God, and along the way we have learned to keep going, and when we can't go any further, we've learned to just STAND, to stand even when we feel we can't. We stand. We've learned to have faith in God, to trust in God, and that He will stand with us, or if He needs to, carry us, through ANYTHING that comes our way. Not much can scare us now. We've faced the worst! We've learned to go through hell, all the while praising God. Nothing can take our praise, or our peace anymore. We are completely in tune with, and focused on, GOD, and the things of God. We've learned THE DEVIL IS A LIAR, he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. We can now go through things we don't understand, and instead of fear - there is peace.

When we make it through, after the trials, we now have a BOLDNESS! We have an ATTITUDE towards the devil, and what he throws at us. Oh boy - They devil is going to regret messing with ME! He sure did mess with the wrong girl! He should have killed me when he had the opportunity, because NOW I am not scared. I am STRENGTHENED, with a strength that God gives me! I almost laugh sometimes when the enemy throws things my way, especially when they all pile up at once, and I know the enemy is trying to get me to panic. I laugh because I know his tricks and his ploys, and they can't touch me! I am covered by Jesus, and no matter what He's got my back. I can now look back and say, "If He did it THEN, He'll do it NOW!" If God brought me through all the mess in the past - He WILL do it now too!

So yeah - The devil really messed up, in messing with me, because now I have a story to tell! A story that will take what the enemy meant to destroy me, and use it to save lives, and glorify God! Which brings me to the title of this blog! You can't take someone where you've never been! The enemy wants to keep us in bondage, embarrassed of our past, or afraid to speak out. He wants to shut us up, so we can't be free from our past, so the world won't know how amazing our God is, and so we can't help others! If we don't share our story, the world will never know God's glory! No one can help someone going through something, like someone who's been there. We can not stay bound by our past, and miss out on, first of all, the freedom that comes with telling our story, our testimony. We have to tell it! Tell it with our heads held high, and our hands in the air, giving God all the glory and praise for all He has brought us through. There are so many people going through so many things, who think they are alone. We, who have been through these things, need to be there to speak out, let them know they are not alone, that God does care, and there IS a way out, and an end, to what they are going through. We, who have been through things, and made it out to the glorious other side, have a responsibility to speak out, and help others, like someone who hasn't been there can not do, and to give God the glory all the while!

To sum it all up - The trials we face have a very important purpose, they MOLD and TEACH us! They teach us lessons that God wants us to learn. We gain trust, faith, and strength, in God. So that we can fulfill the plan He has for our lives. We are over comers, and in that we are to help others to overcome what they are facing. We can not stay silent, like the enemy would love for us to! We are to take our story and speak it, as God calls us to do! We can take someone from disaster, to healing. Because we've been there and come out of it stronger than ever! Praise God!

Love and Blessings!


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