Thursday, April 28, 2011

Unbelievable Children's Book To Be Released Soon....

I am shocked, appalled, and almost speechless... I know the world has gotten out of hand, and there are a lot of unbelievable and ungodly things going on, but this one REALLY got to me.

There is a children's book that will be released soon By Adam Mansbach, called "Go The F**k To Sleep". This sounds unbelievable I know, but read the description and an excerpt from this book...

"When "nighty-night" or "hush, little baby" just aren't helping to lull your screaming baby to sleep, you may be tempted to take some cues from a new bedtime story, "Go the F@#k to Sleep".
It's a thought that has probably crossed the minds of many an exhausted parent at 3 a.m., when the wee one refuses shut eye. Now, novelist Adam Mansbach has put the idea to pen in his children's book "Go The F**k To Sleep".

From the Author...
"Hopefully, the book is very reflective of what we all feel putting our kids to bed," Mansbach says. "We all love our kids - It's not like we stop loving our kids - but as the minutes tick by, we'll do anything to get out of that room."

An excerpt from the book...
"The cats nestle close to their kittens.
The lambs have laid down with the sheep.
You're cozy and warm in your bed, my dear.
Please go the f@#k to sleep."

Another review...
"Boing Boing brings us this hilarious title of a children’s book and pretty honest...
“Go the F**k to Sleep is a bedtime book for parents who live in the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesy rhymes don’t always send a toddler sailing off to dreamland. Honest, profane, and affectionate, Adam Mansbach’s verses and Ricardo Cortés’ illustrations perfectly capture the familiar and unspoken tribulations of putting your little angel down for the night, and open up a conversation about parenting in the process. Beautiful, subversive, and pants-wettingly funny."

This is probably one of the most disturbing things I have ever read! Believe it or not, there will be parents out there who think this is cute or funny, and will actually read this to their little ones! The world has become so corrupt in the times we live in, but this is unlike anything I have ever seen. This crosses the line, in so many ways, more than anything I have ever seen and is disgusting!
The story is composed as a four line poem on each page, every one ending with the line, "Please go the f**k to sleep"!

I pray that parents will be smart enough to not be so cruel as to subject their children not only to the horrible language and message of this book, but also the abuse they would be imposing on these little ones, who will get a message from their parents, "All I want is for you to go the f**k to sleep".

Our children need love and comfort from us, not the message that they are a burden on us. Yes, we all get frustrated when our children won't go to sleep but we don't show that frustration, especially with something like this book. We show them patience, love, comfort, and discipline, if necessary. But not this book. Not the message it sends, or the language it exposes them to. I am so saddened by this.

Love and Hugs,
Ginger xoxo

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